WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 28.03.07 Paper 1 Pre-arrival Signage to Cairngorms National Park Prepared by: Pete Crane Purpose: To seek feedback on the Consultant’s recommendations for design and location of pre-arrival signage. Background and Purpose CNPA have appointed Ironside Farrar Landscape Architects to undertake a scoping study to determine the location and design of pre-arrival ‘brown’ tourist signs to the National Park. A presentation of the consultant’s recommendations will be made to the ViSIT Forum and feedback sought. Policy Context The installation of pre-arrival signage was identified as an action in the Sustainable Tourism Strategy:- 4i Establish and Maintain a tourism signage system. The draft National Park Plan refines this to the following priority for action:- Install pre-arrival signage for the National Park on key roads to the National Park. Scope of the Review The consultants were instructed to produce a report that contains the following outputs:- • Provides the rationale for a system of signage to the Park including ranking system that categorises the priority of sites recommended for signs. • Identifies exact locations where signs to the Park should be installed. • Makes recommendations about design of the sign at each site • Where appropriate makes recommendations for integration with existing signage and identifies opportunities to reduce sign clutter. • Estimates cost and resource implications of installing signs at each site. The report is to act as the ‘blue print’ for collaborative work with local authorities and Transport Scotland (trunk roads) on installing pre-arrival signs. In preparing the report the consultant was asked to take into account the following:- • Pre-arrival signs should not favour one area of the Park over another. • Pre-arrival signs should be located in accordance with Scottish Executive Motorway and Trunk Road Tourist Signposting Policy 1998 (under review) and the relevant local authority guidelines. • Signs should provide clarity not increase visitor confusion: signing two different routes to the Park at one location is not considered to be helpful. • Signs should compliment signs to Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, particularly on the A9. • The extensive work undertaken by Angus Council and the potential to link with the re-signing of the Highland Tourist Route. • Sign clutter • New road developments such as the proposed upgrade of Ballinluig Junction on the A9. Methodology The commissioning brief was sent to Visit Scotland and all roads authorities within the National Park and Perthshire Council for comment prior to tendering. CNPA were assisted in managing the contract by Iain Wallace of Highland Council. The consultants undertook consultation with all roads authorities, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority and specific initiatives such as the proposed re-signing of the Highland Tourist Route and the proposed upgrade of the A9 junction at Ballinluig. A desk top study identified key locations. This was followed by detailed field work prior to developing site specific design recommendations and outline costs. Presentation The presentation at the ViSIT Forum will summarise the recommendations of the consultant and provide visual images of locations and designs for pre-arrival signs. Cairngorms National Park Authority March 2007